Council Resolutions

This is a searchable catalogue of Resolutions passed by Council in 2024. You can also view and download a copy of all 2023 Council Resolutions.

Resolutions are presented by the Chief, Deputy Chief or Councillors, and are required for a decision of the Council to be effective outside of a Council Meeting. All Council Resolutions must be approved by a quorum vote of Council present at a Council Meeting.

Passed Resolutions are signed during or following a Council Meeting and are published here during the following month.

For more information about Council procedures, see Section 24 of the Vuntut Gwitchin Government Governance Handbook (2021), available in the Library here.

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69. Second Appropriation Act 2024-25
Resolution CO2024-69
October 17, 2024
  1. The Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“Council”) approves the addition of funds submitted by the Director of Finance for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025.
  2. Council approves the reallocation of funds submitted by the Director of Finance for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. The Second Appropriation Act 2024-2025 shall come into force and have effect as of 12:01 A.M. on the 17th day of October 2024.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on October 16, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (absent), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

56. Disbursement Committee Recommendation to Council
Resolution CO2024-56
July 25, 2024
  1. The Council of Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“Council”) established the Terms of Reference for the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Disbursement Committee (“Committee”) through Council Resolution 02- 17-2023-#04 which tasked the Committee with making decisions on the disbursement of government funds, resources, and benefits in accordance with government program criteria;
  2. The Committee considered the allocation of housing units during a meeting of the Committee on July 24, 2024;
  3. The Committee has provided a recommendation to Council regarding the allocation of housing units;
  4. Council has considered the Committeeʼs recommendation.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. Council adopts the recommendation of the Disbursement Committee out of their meeting on July 24, 2024 regarding the allocation of housing units.
  2. That these units are allocated as soon as the units are ready.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on July 25, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (absent), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

55. Disbursement Committee Recommendation to Council
Resolution CO2024-55
July 25, 2024
  1. The Council of Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“Council”) established the Terms of Reference for the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Disbursement Committee (“Committee”) through Council Resolution 02- 17-2023-#04 which tasked the Committee with making decisions on the disbursement of government funds, resources, and benefits in accordance with government program criteria;
  2. The Committee considered requests received for education and training funding during a meeting of the Committee on July 24, 2024;
  3. The Committee has provided recommendations to Council regarding the allocation of funding for education and training;
  4. Council has considered the Committeeʼs recommendations.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. Council adopts the recommendations of the Disbursement Committee out of their meeting on July 24, 2024 regarding the allocation of funding for education and training.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on July 25, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (absent), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

54. Continuation of Community Emergency Declaration and Order Regarding Dangerous Offender
Resolution CO2024-54
July 25, 2024
  1. On October 7, 2022, Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“VGFN”) passed resolution 10-07-2022 making a Community Emergency Declaration and Order under the Community Emergency Act (the “Act”) for a period of 90 days regarding a dangerous offender, CHRISTOPHER RUSSELL SCHAFER, born April 17, 1977 (the “dangerous offender”). This declaration expired on January 5, 2023.
  2. On February 17, 2023, Council of the VGFN passed resolution 02-17-2023 - #05 making a further Community Emergency Declaration and Order under the Act for another period of 90 days regarding the dangerous offender. This declaration expired on May 17, 2023.
  3. On May 30, 2023, Council of the VGFN passed resolution 05-30-2023-#29 making a further Community Emergency Declaration and Order under the Act for another period of 90 days regarding the dangerous offender. This declaration expired on August 28, 2023.
  4. On September 14, 2023, Council of the VGFN passed resolution 09-14-2023-#49 making a further Community Emergency Declaration and Order under the Act for another period of 90 days regarding the dangerous offender. This declaration will expire on December 13, 2023.
  5. On November 30, 2023, Council of the VGFN passed resolution 11-30-2023-#65 making a further Community Emergency Declaration and Order under the Act for another period of 90 days regarding the dangerous offender. The declaration expired on February 28, 2024.
  6. Council continues to reasonably believe, in the circumstances, that:
  • the dangerous offender poses a preventable, foreseeable, imminent, or actual danger to life, health and safety on VGFN Settlement Land which constitutes a “Community Emergency” within the meaning of the Act; and
  • certain special temporary measures are necessary to address the preventable, foreseeable, imminent, or actual danger to life, health and safety posed by the dangerous offender.
  1. Council wishes to make a new Community Emergency Declaration and Order under the Act for another period of 90 days regarding the dangerous offender.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:

Community Emergency Declaration

  1. This Community Emergency Declaration is hereby made by Council pursuant to section 5 of the Act in relation to the dangerous offender.
  2. This Community Emergency Declaration shall come into effect immediately upon this Council resolution being published in accordance with the section 5 of the Act and will remain in effect for a period of 90 days, to June 19, 2024, unless terminated earlier or extended pursuant to section 6 of the Act.

Community Emergency Order

  1. This Community Emergency Order is hereby made by Council pursuant to section 7(a) of the Act establishing the following special temporary measures in relation to the Community Emergency Declaration set out above:
  • the dangerous offender is hereby prohibited from entering, accessing, using or otherwise being upon VGFN Settlement Land due to the preventable, foreseeable, imminent, and actual risks posed to life, health and safety on Settlement Land if the dangerous offender is permitted to return to Old Crow upon release from custody.
  • no person shall counsel, aid or abet the dangerous offender in entering, accessing, using or otherwise being upon VGFN Settlement Land contrary to the special temporary measure set out under paragraph 3(a) of this Community Emergency Order.
  1. This Community Emergency Order will come into effect immediately upon this Council resolution being published in accordance with section 8 of the Act and will remain in effect for the duration of the Community Emergency Declaration set out above.
  2. This Community Emergency Order may be amended at any time during the duration of the Community Emergency Declaration pursuant to section 9 of the Act.
  3. Any person who does not comply with this Community Emergency Order commits an offence under the Act and is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term of six months.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on July 25, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (absent), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

53. Chief and Council Leadership on Traditional Territory
Resolution CO2024-53
July 11, 2024
  1. The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Constitution calls for either the Chief or Deputy Chief to be present on the Traditional Territory at all times; 
  2. From time to time the Chief and Deputy Chief must attend to matters outside the Traditional Territory, such as government business or family matters. 
  3. Chief Pauline Frost and Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr. are each required to travel out of the Traditional Territory on July 11, 2024. 
  4. The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Constitution states that in the event that both the Chief and Deputy Chief must be absent, an interim Deputy Chief shall be appointed. 
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. To ensure leadership presence on the Traditional Territory, Councillor Kyikavichik is appointed as interim Deputy Chief of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation from July 11 to July 18, 2024. 
  2. Councillor Kyikavichik will be present on Traditional Territory during the absence of Chief Pauline Frost and Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr.
  3. Chief Pauline Frost and Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr. will be available for remote communications to maintain quorum of the Council, to the extent that is practical.  
  4. In the event of any governance questions, Chief Pauline Frost will be the spokesperson. 
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on July 11, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (absent), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

52. Chief and Council Leadership on Traditional Territory
Resolution CO2024-52
June 19, 2024
  1. The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Constitution calls for either the Chief or Deputy Chief to be present on the Traditional Territory at all times; 
  2. From time to time the Chief and Deputy Chief must attend to matters outside the Traditional Territory, such as government business or family matters. 
  3. Chief Pauline Frost and Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr. are each required to travel out of the Traditional Territory from June 20 to June 28, 2024. 
  4. The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Constitution states that in the event that both the Chief and Deputy Chief must be absent, an interim Deputy Chief shall be appointed. 
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. To ensure leadership presence on the Traditional Territory, Councillor Reti is appointed as interim Deputy Chief of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation for the period of June 21 to June 28, 2024. 
  2. Councillor Reti will be present on Traditional Territory during the absence of Chief Pauline Frost and Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr.
  3. Chief Pauline Frost and Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr. will be available for remote communications to maintain quorum of the Council, to the extent that is practical. 
  4. In the event of any governance questions, Chief Pauline Frost will be the spokesperson.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on June 19, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (absent), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

51. Home and Community Care Van Use Policy
Resolution CO2024-51
June 19, 2024
  1. The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (VGFN) Constitution establishes a Council;
  2. Council has the duties and powers prescribed to it under the Constitution to, among others, set clear policies and guidelines and ensure good management and reporting within the jurisdiction of the Council;
  3. VGFN owns a home and community care van intended to be used to support the goals of the Home and Community Care Program, specifically to assist community members that periodically require assistance travelling in the community; and
  4. Council wishes to approve the Home and Community Care Van Use Policy (2024).
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Home and Community Care Van Use Policy (2024) is approved and effective immediately.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on June 19, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (absent), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

50. Payment of Old Crow Development Corporation Obligations and Indefinite Suspension of Operations
Resolution CO2024-50
June 19, 2024

This Resolution involves the payment of outstanding OCDC obligations, closure of OCDC account with the First Nations Bank of Canada and the indefinite suspension of OCDC operations. 

THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on June 19, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (absent), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

49. Disbursement Committee Recommendation to Council
Resolution CO2024-49
June 19, 2024
  1. The Council of Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“Council”) established the Terms of Reference for the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Disbursement Committee (“Committee”) through Council Resolution 02-17-2023-#04 which tasked the Committee with making decisions on the disbursement of government funds, resources, and benefits in accordance with government program criteria;
  2. The Committee considered requests received for education and training funding during a meeting of the Committee on June 12, 2024;
  3. The Committee has provided recommendations to Council regarding the allocation of funding for education and training;
  4. Council has considered the Committee’s recommendations.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. Council adopts the recommendations of the Disbursement Committee out of their meeting on June 12, 2024 regarding the allocation of funding for education and training. 
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on June 19, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (absent), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

48. 2024 Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Porcupine River Chinook Fishery
Resolution CO2024-48
June 19, 2024
  1. Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“VGFN”) has the right to self-determination, including:
    1. the inherent right to self-government;
    2. the right to be secure in our enjoyment of our means of subsistence and development;
    3. the right to maintain and strengthen our distinct physical, spiritual, cultural and economic relationship to the Traditional Territory, and to uphold our responsibilities to future generations in this regard;
    4. the right to the conservation and protection of the environment and the productive capacity of the Traditional Territory; and
    5. the right to the recognition, observance and enforcement of VGFN’s inherent and treaty rights and responsibilities recognized and protected under the Final Agreement and Self-Government Agreement.
  2. VGFN’s inherent and treaty rights and responsibilities include:
    1. VGFN’s inherent self-government authority recognized under Article 13 of the Self-Government Agreement in relation the protection of fish, including Porcupine River Chinook salmon; and
    2. VGFN’s treaty right to harvest salmon and co-manage the salmon fishery in the Porcupine River watershed basin recognized under Chapter 16 of the Final Agreement including an exclusive needs-based allocation for Porcupine River Chinook salmon with priority over all other fisheries.
  3. In 2022, 349 Chinook migrated past the Old Crow Sonar and in 2023, 512 Chinook migrated past the Old Crow sonar.
  4.  The 2024 Chinook forecast is for a run size similar to 2023 and 2022. 
  5. For the 2021 and 2022 seasons, VGFN fishers were asked to voluntarily avoid taking Chinook.
  6. For the 2023 season, VGFN Council implemented closures through Council Resolution 06-22-2023-#35 VGFN Porcupine River Chinook Salmon Fishery. On April 1, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game released an Agreement concerning Canadian-origin Yukon River Chinook salmon which included the immediate suspension of commercial, sport, domestic and personal use Chinook fisheries for one full life cycle through to 2030.
  7. Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO)’s Communal Fishing Licence to VGFN for 2024 is for 0 Chinook. 
  8. In the State of Alaska, the salmon subsistence fishery on the Yukon is closed and 4-inch mesh nets, up to 50 foot in length, for freshwater fish, will be allowed except that each district will have a 2-week period of no gillnets to let the Chinook pass. 
  9. The Yukon River Salmon Sub Committee has recommended no harvest of any Yukon River and Porcupine River Chinook and chum salmon in 2024 in consideration of the continued historic low runs experienced for both Chinook and chum salmon over recent years, the projected low 2024 abundance, and the seven-year agreement regarding Canadian-origin Yukon River Chinook Salmon (effective April 2024). 
  10. The Constitution provides that the fundamental objectives of VGFN include:
    1. to have authority in respect of communities and lands of VGFN;
    2. to promote and enhance the general welfare of VGFN;
    3. to promote, enhance and protect the history, culture, values, traditions and rights of VGFN;
    4. to promote respect for the ancestral homeland of VGFN including the natural resources; and
    5. to use, manage, administer and regulate the lands of VGFN including the natural resources.
  11. Council has the duty and power under the Constitution to do such things as may be necessary to fulfill the fundamental objectives of the VGFN.
  12. The Gwich’in Niintsyaa 2022 Resolution to Protect the Relationship between Gwich’in and Łùk Choo and The Ni’inlii Declaration, proclaimed by the Gwich’in Nation at the 2022 and 2016 Gwich’in Gatherings respectively, call on Gwich’in from Alaska, Yukon and Northwest Territories to stand in solidarity and ensure the restoration and conservation of the salmon in the Yukon River watershed.
  13. VGFN must take all measures necessary for future generations of VGFN citizens:
    1. to protect and uphold VGFN’s inherent and treaty rights and responsibilities in relation to Porcupine River Chinook salmon; and
    2. to maintain and strengthen VGFN’s distinct physical, spiritual, cultural and economic relationship to the Porcupine River Chinook salmon.
  14. Council has carefully considered the potential risks, costs and benefits of establishing VGFN measures to regulate the 2024 VGFN Porcupine River Chinook salmon fishery, including past VGFN practices.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. The Porcupine River and its tributaries within the VGFN Traditional Territory are closed to all gill net fishing.
  2. No VGFN Citizen shall harvest Chinook salmon in the Porcupine River watershed.
  3. VGFN Citizens may only fish for freshwater fish in the lakes of the VGFN Traditional Territory.
  4. Any Chinook salmon incidentally caught in the Porcupine River and its tributaries  by a VGFN Citizen must be released immediately, or, if already dead and unable to be revived then released, reported as bycatch to the VGFN NR Department and distributed among the community.
  5. These measures shall come into effect July 3, 2024 at 12:01AM and remain in effect until August 10 , 2024 at 11:59 PM. They shall be reviewed weekly by NR staff as in-season information becomes available. 
  6. The NR Department will bring forward any recommended changes to the measures, based on in-season information, for immediate consideration by Council. 
  7.  The NR Department will identify ways to reduce the hardship of this closure to VGFN families such as through providing opportunities for fishing lakes or through providing salmon or dog food to VGFN citizens. 
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on June 19, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (absent), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

47. Community Committee Agreement with Yukon First Nation School Board
Resolution CO2024-47
June 19, 2024
  1. Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“VGFN”) asserts authority and responsibility for the education of its children as part of its inherent right to self-government and has the power under 13.2.8 of the VGFN Self-Government Agreement to enact laws in relation to the provision of education programs and services in the Yukon for their citizens choosing to participate;
  2. VGFN and other certain Yukon First Nations, entered into an agreement with the Government of Yukon (the “School Board Agreement”) under section 7 of the Education Act (the “Act”) to, among other matters, create the First Nation School Board (the “Board”) and establish its powers and responsibilities;
  3. The Board is responsible for the operation and management of the Chief Zzeh Gittlit School in the community of Old Crow, Yukon (the “School”) which is within the VGFN traditional territory;
  4. The Board may establish committees and specify powers and duties for those committees under section 116(2)(b) of the Act;
  5. VGFN and the Board wish to establish a community-based, sub-committee of the Board, to engage with the Board and make certain decisions with respect to the operation and management of the School and have developed a Community Committee Agreement (“Agreement”) to establish a community committee; and 
  6. Council has reviewed the Agreement.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. VGFN execute the Community Committee Agreement with the Yukon First Nation School Board. 
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on June 19, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (absent), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

46. Location for the Housing Warehouse and Assembly Shop and required relocation of arena
Resolution CO2024-46
June 7, 2024
  1. The Council of Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“VGFN”) are authorized to manage the use of Settlement Lands; 
  2. VGFN has received funding from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and the Government of Yukon to support the costs of construction of a new Housing Warehouse and Assembly Shop (“Shop”); 
  3. VGFN consulted with citizens at community meetings held on January 17, 2024 and June 3, 2024 to review potential locations for the Shop; 
  4. A number of potential locations identified for the Shop were rejected because of challenges they presented including environmental concerns, land transfer requirements and unsuitable geotechnical conditions; 
  5. Lot 55, the existing arena site, was identified by VGFN as a suitable location for the Shop; 
  6. Citizens supported use of Lot 55 as a potential location for the Shop as long as an alternate site was identified for the arena; 
  7. VGFN has identified Lots 181, 182 and 183, located south of Chief Zzeh Gittlit School, as a potential location for the relocation of the arena; 
  8. VGFN, in consultation with Sprung, is working to confirm the feasibility of relocating the arena and to develop an order of magnitude budget; 
  9. VGFN anticipates that it will be able to identify funding for the relocation of the arena; and
  10. The use of Lot 55 as the location for the Shop is consistent with the Old Crow Community Plan Bylaw #01-2013. 
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. Lot 55 be designated as the location for the new Shop. 
  2. The Executive Director, in consultation with the Director of Government Services and the Director of Finance, prioritize identifying funding required to relocate the arena. 
  3. The Recreation Department prioritize identifying and offering alternate programming for youth for Winter 2024/25 in lieu of having the arena operational.
  4. The Government Services Department and Recreation Department prioritize consulting with the community regarding the arena relocation in support of having the arena operational for Winter 2025/26. 
  5. Regular updates regarding the Shop and arena relocation projects are provided to Council and Management Committee to ensure continued progress.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on June 7, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (absent), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

45. Rescinding May 2024 Community Emergency Declaration
Resolution CO2024-45
June 7, 2024
  1. On May 17, 2024, Council passed resolution CO2024-33 which, pursuant to the Community Emergency Act (the “Act”), made and brought into effect: 
    • A community emergency declaration based upon potential flooding and risks to people, houses and community infrastructure in Old Crow; 
    • Community emergency orders establishing certain temporary measures necessary to address the risk including the designation and authorization of community safety officers, authority of a unified command, authorization for emergency payments and staff compensation.
  2. On May 17, 2024 at 3:30 p.m. the Unified Command issued an Evacuation Alert for areas of Old Crow due to the risk of flooding along the Porcupine River during seasonal breakup and recommended against non-essential travel to Old Crow. 
  3. On May 17, 2024, meltwater and high-water levels required emergency operations to cut the Dump Road to protect the road infrastructure and minimize environmental contamination. 
  4. On May 21, 2024 at 3:30 p.m., the Unified Command issued a revised Evacuation Alert for areas of Old Crow due to the risk of flooding along the North Road and Ski Lodge Road of Old Crow during freshet;
  5. On May 24, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. the Unified Command rescinded the Evacuation Alert as there was no longer risk of major flooding and the Unified Command demobilized;
  6. In order to prevent risks of ongoing flooding and effluent leakage, management of water levels at the Sewage Lagoon and work at the Dump Road continued following demobilization of the Unified Command, requiring emergency payments and staff compensation; 
  7. Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation and the Government of Yukon are continuing to work to on recovery, specifically to the damage that occurred to roads and to one property, to monitor water quality, and future mitigation; and 
  8. Council now reasonable believes that the flood threats to the community of Old Crow no longer constitutes a community emergency and wishes to rescind the Community Emergency Declaration and all Council authorizations made under the Act in relation to the Community Emergency Declaration.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. The Community Emergency Declaration made on May 17, 2024 by Council Resolution CO2024-33 is hereby repealed pursuant to section 6 of the Act. 
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on June 7, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

44. Disbursement Committee Recommendation to Council
Resolution CO2024-44
June 7, 2024
  1. The Council of Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“Council”) established the Terms of Reference for the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Disbursement Committee (“Committee”) through Council Resolution 02-17-2023-#04 which tasked the Committee with making decisions on the disbursement of government funds, resources, and benefits in accordance with government program criteria;
  2. The Committee considered the allocation of housing units during a meeting of the Committee on May 23, 2024;
  3. The Committee has provided a recommendation to Council regarding the allocation of housing units;
  4. Council has considered the Committee’s recommendation.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. Council adopts the recommendation of the Disbursement Committee out of their meeting on May 23, 2024 regarding the allocation of housing units. 
  2. That these units are allocated as soon as renovations are complete. 
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on June 7, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

43. Disbursement Committee Recommendation to Council
Resolution CO2024-43
June 7, 2024
  1. The Council of Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“Council”) established the Terms of Reference for the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Disbursement Committee (“Committee”) through Council Resolution 02-17-2023-#04 which tasked the Committee with making decisions on the disbursement of government funds, resources, and benefits in accordance with government program criteria;
  2. The Committee considered requests received for education and training funding during a meeting of the Committee on May 23, 2024;
  3. The Committee has provided recommendations to Council regarding the allocation of funding for education and training;
  4. Council has considered the Committee’s recommendations.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. Council adopts the recommendations of the Disbursement Committee out of their meeting on May 23, 2024 regarding the allocation of funding for education and training. 
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on June 7, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

42. Changes to the VGFN Human Resources Policies Manual
Resolution CO2024-42
June 7, 2024
  1. Council directed certain changes to the VGFN Human Resources Policies Manual (“HR Policies”) per Resolution C02024-37;
  2. VGFN Management Committee conducted a review of the proposed changes on June 10, 2024 and approved the changes in principle, apart from the changes relating to sick leave;
  3. The HR Policies underwent review by VGFN Policy Analyst and VGFN external legal counsel;
  4. The proposed changes also include changes to terminology, formatting, flexible work arrangement, and general updates for compliance with changes to the Canada Labour Code
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. The proposed changes to the HR Policies, apart from the provisions relating to sick leave, are approved as presented; with minor changes to formatting allowed, and the Policy Amendment Record in the HR Policies will be updated accordingly; and
  2. Revisions to the provisions relating to sick leave will be further reviewed by the Management Committee and will return to Council for final approval.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on June 7, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

41. Appointments to the Constitution Review and Legislation Development Committee
Resolution CO2024-41
June 7, 2024
  1. The General Assembly of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“VGFN”) provided direction to Council to establish a committee responsible for reviewing the Constitution and related governance legislation and developing new legislation through resolutions made at the Annual General Assembly in 2023; 
  2. Council of the VGFN wishes to strike a Constitution Review and Legislative Development Committee (“Committee”), as an advisory body to Council; 
  3. The Committee will be responsible for: 
    • Reviewing the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Constitution and advising Council and the General Assembly on proposed amendments; and 
    • Supporting the development of new legislation. 
  1. A request for expression of interest was posted publicly in community and on social media on March 15, 2024 specifying that the Committee will consist of up to 10 citizens who represent the different branches of VGFN including Council, Elders Council, and the General Assembly and also encouraged youth to participate;
  2. The post identified that Council would appoint citizens to the Committee through a Council Resolution; 
  3. Six citizens submitted their expression of interest; and 
  4. Council has the authority to appoint members to boards, committees and Councils of VGFN.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. The Committee will consist of two representatives of Council, two representatives of the Elders Council, two representatives of the Youth Council, and two citizens at large representing the General Assembly. 
  2. The following individuals are appointed to the Committee, subject to their consent:
    • Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr. (Council representative)
    • Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (Council representative)
    • Stanley Njootli Sr. (Elder representative)
    • Linda Netro (Elder representative)
    • Paul Josie (General Assembly representative)
    • Erika Tizya-Tramm (General Assembly representative)
    • Katriel Villacorta (Youth representative)
  1. The following individual is appointed to the Committee as an Alternate, subject to their consent: 
    • Stanley Grafton-Njootli (General Assembly representative) 
  1. The Executive Director will seek an additional Youth representative for the Committee through additional public advertisement. 
  2. The Executive Director, in consultation with the Committee, will identify and obtain any necessary supports for the Committee to undertake their work including but not limited to technical, legal and administrative supports and Committee budget. 
  3. The Executive Director, in consultation with the Committee, will oversee the development of the Terms of Reference for the Committee, which will be brought back to Council for endorsement.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on June 7, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

40. Amendment to Section 17 of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Self-Government Agreement
Resolution CO2024-40
June 7, 2024
  1. The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“VGFN”) signed its Self-Government Agreement on May 29, 1993 and it came into effect on February 14, 1995;
  2. Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in finalized their Self-Government agreement at a later date and successfully included additional provisions in related to Education and a number of Yukon First Nations have passed resolutions to include similar provisions;
  3. Yukon Government and Canada have agreed to support these amendments;
  4. Council of the VGFN consented to the English language amendments of the Self-Government Agreements through Council Resolution 03-02-2023-#07; 
  5. A Resolution of Council is required to consent to the French language amendments and Yukon Government and Canada request that both the English and French versions of the amendments are approved at the same time; and 
  6. An Amendment to the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Self-Government Agreement may only be given by the Chief and Council.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:

Section 17.2 of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Self-Government Agreement is replaced by the following: 

17.2 The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation shall notify Government by March 31st of each year of its priorities for negotiations pursuant to 17.1, 17.7 and 17.9 for the fiscal year beginning April 1st of that year. Within 60 days of receipt of such notification, the Parties shall prepare a workplan to address the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation’s priorities for negotiation. The workplan shall identify timelines and resources available for negotiations.

Section 17.0 of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Self-Government Agreement is amended by adding the following after 17.6: 

17.7 In relation to education, upon the request of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation and the Yukon shall during the term of a self-government financial transfer agreement, negotiate the division and sharing of responsibility for the design, delivery and administration of programs delivered within the Traditional Territory, including programs relating to

  • 17.7.1 student counseling; 
  • 17.7.2 cross cultural teacher/administrator orientation; 
  • 17.7.3 composition of teaching staff; 
  • 17.7.4 early childhood, special, and adult education curriculum; 
  • 17.7.5 kindergarten through grade 12 curriculum; and 
  • 17.7.6 the evaluation of teachers, administrators and other employees.

17.8 The negotiation of the division and sharing of responsibility for the design, delivery, and administration of programs related to education pursuant to 17.7 does not affect the ability of the  Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation to negotiate an agreement pursuant to 17.1 in relation to education. 

17.9 The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation and the Yukon shall negotiate guaranteed representation for the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation upon any school committees, school councils or school boards which are involved in the design, delivery or administration of education in the Traditional Territory. 

17.10 Unless otherwise agreed, if the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation and the Yukon conclude an agreement pursuant to 17.1 in relation to education, then 17.7 and 17.9, and any agreements concluded pursuant to those sections, shall no longer be of any force or effect.

L’article 17.2 de l'Entente sur l’autonomie gouvernementale de la Première Nation des Gwitchin Vuntut est remplacé par ce qui suit:

17.2 La Première Nation des Gwitchin Vuntut avise le gouvernement, au plus tard le 31 mars de chaque année, de ses priorités à l'égard des négociations visées aux l'articles 17.1, 17.7 et 17.9 pour l'exercice commençant le 1er avril de la même année. Dans les 60 jours de la réception de l'avis, les parties établissent un plan de travail qui tient compte des priorités de la Première Nation des Gwitchin Vuntut à l'égard des négociations et qui précise le calendrier des travaux à exécuter ainsi que les ressources qui pourront leur être affectées.

L’article 17.0 de l'Entente sur l'autonomie gouvernementale de la Première Nation des Gwitchin Vuntut est modifié par djunction, après l’article 17.6, de ce qui suit:

17.7 Relativement à l’éducation, à la demande de la Première Nation des Gwitchin Vuntut, la Première Nation des Gwitchin Vuntut et le Yukon négocient, pendant qu’un accord de transfert financier en matière d’autonomie gouvernementale est en vigueur, la répartition et le partage des responsabilités pour la conception, la mise en oeuvre et l’administration des programmes offerts sur le territoire traditionnel, y compris des programmes touchant:

  • 17.7.1 les services de counselling offerts aux étudiants;
  • 17.7.2 la sensibilisation transculturelle des enseignants et des administrateurs;
  • 17.7.3 la composition du personnel enseignant;
  • 17.7.4 les programmes préscolaires, les programmes spéciaux et les programmes pour adultes;
  • 17.7.5 les programmes de la maternelle à la 12e année; ou
  • 17.7.6 l’évaluation des professeurs, des administrateurs et des autres employés.

17.8 La négociation du partage des responsabilités pour la conception, la mise en oeuvre et l’administration des programmes d’éducation en vertu de l’article 17.7 n’a pas pour effet d’empêcher la Première Nation des Gwitchin Vuntut de négocier un accord en vertu de l’article 17.1 relativement à l’éducation.

17.9 La Première Nation des Gwitchin Vuntut et le Yukon négocient la représentation garantie de la Première Nation des Gwitchin Vuntut sur tout comité d’école, conseil scolaire ou commission scolaire qui participe à la conception, à la mise en oeuvre ou à l’administration des services d’éducation sur le territoire traditionnel.

17.10 Sauf convention contraire, si la Première Nation des Gwitchin Vuntut et le Yukon concluent un accord en vertu de l’article 17.1 relativement à l’éducation, les articles 17.7 et 17.9, de même que tout accord conclu en vertu de ces articles, cessent d’être en vigueur.

This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on June 7, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

39. Chief and Council Leadership on Traditional Territory
Resolution CO2024-39
June 3, 2024
  1. The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Constitution calls for either the Chief or Deputy Chief to be present on the Traditional Territory at all times; 
  2. From time to time the Chief and Deputy Chief must attend to matters outside the Traditional Territory, such as government business or family matters. 
  3. Chief Pauline Frost and Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr. are each required to travel out of the Traditional Territory from June 4 to June 6, 2024. 
  4. The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Constitution states that in the event that both the Chief and Deputy Chief must be absent, an interim Deputy Chief shall be appointed. 
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. To ensure leadership presence on the Traditional Territory, Councillor Reti is appointed as interim Deputy Chief of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation for the period of the evening of June 4 to  June 6, 2024. 
  2. Councillor Reti will be present on Traditional Territory during the absence of Chief Pauline Frost and Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr.
  3. Chief Pauline Frost and Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr. will be available for remote communications to maintain quorum of the Council, to the extent that is practical.  
  4. In the event of any governance questions, Chief Pauline Frost will be the spokesperson. 
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on June 3, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

38. Purchase of Ketza /TSL chattels
Resolution CO2024-38
May 22, 2024

This resolution involves the authorization of the purchase of camp, equipment and various tools from Ketza TSL once work on the Health Centre and 10 plex project is complete. 

THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on May 22, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

37. Employees Hours of Work
Resolution CO2024-37
May 22, 2024
  1. Old Crow is a very northern fly-in only community, Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“VGFN”) is in a unique circumstance in that we have a very small and limited pool of potential employees in Old Crow; 
  2. VGFN is faced with a number of labour challenges: 
    • Continuing to address the backlog of work resulting from being understaffed in prior years;
    • Currently being understaffed;
    • High employee turnover which increases orientation and training workload;
    • Backfilling for employee Leave coverage;
    • The normal responsibility and workload of a department necessitates hours of work above the current 65 hours per pay-period.
  1. Currently some full-time employees are contracted to work 65 hours per pay-period, and some are contracted to work 80 hours per pay-period; 
  2. Directors and Managers are currently hired based on working 65 hours per pay-period and receive 5 days additional paid leave time in lieu of all their overtime work; 
  3. Based on the real workload of the Department, the contracted 65 hours of work per pay-period is a significant understatement of the actual hours required; 
  4. The number of additional uncompensated hours of work is a significant factor in increasing job dissatisfaction;
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. Each hourly and salaried full-time employees is offered the choice to increase their regular hours of work to up to a maximum of 80 hours per pay-period effective the start of the next pay-period.
  2. Each current Director and Manager is offered an additional seven (7) days paid leave per year in lieu of overtime hours worked to be effective retro-active to April 1, 2023. 
  3. The Salary Table is revised accordingly.
  4. The VGFN HR Policies Manual is revised accordingly.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on May 22, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

36. Council Salary Table for Fiscal Year 2024-25
Resolution CO2024-36
May 22, 2024
  1. On an annual basis the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“VGFN”) must approve a Council salary table establishing the annual salaries for the Council members for that fiscal year in accordance with section 35 of the Vuntut Gwitchin Governance Act, as amended by the Act to Amend the Vuntut Gwitchin Governance Act (2023) (the “Governance Act”).
  2. Section 35(2) of the Governance Act provides that:
    • Council members in the position of Chief and Deputy Chief will have an annual salary established in the Council salary table that is commensurate with the nature of their positions being equivalent to full-time employment;
    • Council members other than those in the position of Chief and Deputy Chief will have an annual salary established in the Council salary table that is commensurate with the nature of their positions being equivalent to part-time and pro-rated to a minimum of 25% equivalent to full-time employment, subject to Council requiring one or more Council member to fulfill additional responsibilities beyond the part-time equivalency of 25% in a given year up to a maximum of being equivalent to full-time employment; and
    • Council will consider the overall workload for Councillors and determine the pro-rated amount for each Councillor through a resolution;
  3. Council now wishes to approve the Council salary table that applies for the annual period beginning April 1, 2024 and ending on March 31, 2025 in accordance with the section 35 of the Governance Act; and
  4. Council further wishes to direct the administration of VGFN to develop for Council consideration a recommended Council administration policy to apply to VGFN’s future administration of Council salaries and the provision of Council benefits in accordance with the Governance Act.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:

Council Salary Table

  1. Council approves the Council salary table attached to this resolution as Schedule A as applicable to the annual period beginning on April 1, 2024, and ending on March 31, 2025 (the “2024-25 Council Salary Table”).
  2. From April 1, 2024 to the date of this resolution all Council members will be paid an annual salary equivalent to 100% full-time employment in accordance with the salary amounts set out in the 2024-25 Council Salary Table
  3. From the date of this resolution to March 31, 2025:
    • Council members in the position of Chief and Deputy Chief will be paid an annual salary equivalent to 100% full-time employment in accordance with the salary amounts set out in the 2024-25 Council Salary Table; and
    • All other Council members will be paid an annual salary equivalent to part-time and pro-rated at 50% of full-time employment in accordance with the salary amounts set out in the 2024-25 Council Salary Table;
  4. The Council salary table approved by this resolution will come into effect retroactively as of April 1, 2024.

Part-Time Councillor Roles and Responsibilities

  1. As of the date of this resolution and subject to future adjustment by Council resolution, the scope of roles and responsibilities of part-time Council members Crystal Linklater, Debra-Leigh Reti and Vernon Kyikavichik includes:
    • Participation in, and associated preparation and follow-up for, meetings of Council including:
      • Bi-weekly meeting;
      • Monthly public meetings;
      • Special Council meetings called outside of regular bi-weekly Council meetings to a maximum of one per week; and
      • Emergency Council meetings as required.
    • Regular engagement with citizens through:
      • Participation in community meetings, activities and events as available and discussed amongst Council to ensure Council representation; 
      • Reasonable availability via phone and email during VGFN Administration Office hours; 
      • Establish weekly office hours that are made public; and
      • Participation in meetings of the General Assembly
    • Engagement with stakeholders through:
      • Participation in stakeholder meetings, activities and events, including outside of community, as available and discussed amongst Council to ensure Council representation; and
      • Reasonable availability via phone and email during VGFN Administration Office hours.

Council Administration Policy Development and Council Salary Table Review

  1. The Executive Director of the VGFN administration is directed, on a priority basis, to oversee the development of a recommended Council administration policy to apply to the future administration of Council salaries and the provision of Council benefits in a fair, transparent and accountable manner pursuant to the Governance Act.
  2. Upon the  approval of a Council administration policy by Council resolution that applies to the administration of Council salaries and the provision of Council benefits, the Council salary table approved under this resolution will be reconsidered by Council as soon as possible and amended if necessary.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on May 22, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (absent), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

35. Council Salary Table for Fiscal Year 2023-24
Resolution CO2024-35
​May 22, 2024
  1. On an annual basis the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“VGFN”) must approve a Council salary table establishing the annual salaries for the Council members for that fiscal year in accordance with section 35 of the Vuntut Gwitchin Governance Act, as amended by the Act to Amend the Vuntut Gwitchin Governance Act (2023) (the “Governance Act”).
  2. Section 35(2) of the Governance Act provides that:
    • Council members in the position of Chief and Deputy Chief will have an annual salary established in the Council salary table that is commensurate with the nature of their positions being equivalent to full-time employment;
    • Council members other than those in the position of Chief and Deputy Chief will have an annual salary established in the Council salary table that is commensurate with the nature of their positions being equivalent to part-time and pro-rated to a minimum of 25% equivalent to full-time employment, subject to Council requiring one or more Council member to fulfill additional responsibilities beyond the part-time equivalency of 25% in a given year up to a maximum of being equivalent to full-time employment; and
    • Council will consider the overall workload for Councillors and determine the pro-rated amount for each Councillor through a resolution;
  3. Council attached and approved a Council salary table to Council resolution 03-07-2023-#11 that applies for the annual period beginning April 1, 2023 and ending on March 31, 2024 (the “2023-24 Council Salary Table”) in accordance with the section 35 of the Governance Act;
  4. Council now wishes to confirm the pro-rated amount of the annual salaries applicable for Council members pursuant to the 2023-24 Council Salary Table.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. All Council members will be paid an annual salary equivalent to 100% full-time employment for the annual period beginning on April 1, 2023, and ending on March 31, 2024, in accordance with the salary amounts set out in the 2023-24 Council Salary Table and adjusted as necessary to take into account the date on which Council members Crystal Linklater, Vernon Kyikavichik and Harold Frost Jr. commenced their terms of office. 
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on ​May 22, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

34. Appointment of Auditor for Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation
Resolution CO2024-34
May 22, 2024
  1. Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (VGFN) Constitution (Article 16.6 Audit of Accounts) states “The books, accounts and records of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation shall be audited at least once a year by a chartered accountant and the report thereof shall be submitted to Chief and Council for approval and presented to the General Assembly”;  
  2. The Vuntut Gwitchin Governance Act (Paragraph 31) states “The Council shall, by resolution, appoint a chartered accountant or a certified general accountant to be the auditor for the Vuntut Gwitchin Government”; 
  3. In 2015, the associations for the Chartered Accountants and the Certified General Accountants merged to form the Chartered Professional Accountants; 
  4. M. McKay & Associated Ltd. are qualified and have several years’ experience conducting the annual audits for Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation; and
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. M. McKay & Associates Ltd. are appointed as the Chartered Professional Accountant firm for conducting the required 2023-24 fiscal year audits for Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on May 22, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

33. Community Emergency Declaration and Order to Respond to Flooding in Old Crow
Resolution CO2024-33
May 17, 2024
  1. Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (VGFN) and community members in Old Crow have monitored snowfall and snowpack on the ground and forecast a significant risk for flooding around the time of break up.
  2. The Government of Yukon (YG) Water Resources Branch snowpack reports for 2024 indicate record levels of snowpack in North Yukon and the watershed around Old Crow and the YG Water Resources Branch has identified the risk of flooding in Old Crow in the Spring of 2024 as high.
  3. VGFN and YG have established a joint Unified Command governance model (“Unified Command”) with YG Incident Management Team to enable YG and VGFN staff and resources to work together, and include joint decision making at the VGFN Emergency Operations Centre;
  4. Warming temperatures, and upstream and downstream ice jams may affect water levels in the Porcupine River in the area of Old Crow.
  5. A number of houses and areas of community infrastructure are at risk of being affected and damaged by the potential flooding and people in some parts of Old Crow will likely need to be evacuated to a safe area.
  6. On May 17 YG Water Resources Branch issued a “Flood Watch” for Old Crow indicating the break-up is happening and the potential for flooding is in the next 24-48 hours.
  7. If Council reasonably believes that a Community emergency exists on Settlement Land, then Council may make a Community Emergency Declaration pursuant to section 5 of the Community Emergency Act (the “Act”) declaring that a Community Emergency exists within the meaning of the Act.
  8. If a Community Emergency Declaration is made under the Act, and Council reasonably believes that certain special temporary measures are necessary to address the existing Community Emergency, then Council may also make a Community Emergency Order under the Act to establish such special temporary measures.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:

Community Emergency Declaration

  1. This Community Emergency Declaration is hereby made by Council pursuant to section 5 of the Act inrelation to imminent flooding risk in Old Crow (the “May 2024 Emergency Declaration”).
  2. This May 2024 Emergency Declaration shall come into effect immediately upon this Council resolution being published in accordance with the section 5 of the Act and will remain in effect for a period of 90 days unless terminated earlier or extended pursuant to section 6 of the Act.

Community Emergency Orders

  1. These Community Emergency Orders are hereby made by Council pursuant to section 7of the Act establishing the following special temporary measures in relation to the May 2024 Emergency Declaration:

Designation and Authorization of Community Safety Officers

  1. Council designates the following persons as Community Safety Officers pursuant to section 10 of the Act for technical support based on the plans and structure of the Unified Command:

- Vernon Kyikavichik;
- Jeremy Brammer;
- Paul Josie;
- Rodger Barabonoff;
- Robert Kyikavichik;
- Clifton Nukon;
- Robert Linklater;
- Karl Hogue;
- Coleman Newell;
- Mike Rispin;
- Travis Frost; and
- Daniel Frost;
(the “VGFN CSOs”).

  1. The VGFN CSO’s shall have all powers and duties provided for by section 10 of the Act in relation to the May 2024 Emergency Declaration, which includes to:
  • promote the health, safety and welfare of persons on Settlement Land;
  • notify any persons on Settlement Land of the potential flood threat, including by posting signs and written notices;
    however, powers shall be exercised in accordance with the Unified Command structure.
  1. The persons designated as the VGFN CSO’s under this resolution shall cease to have such designation and to hold the powers and duties under section 10 of the Act upon notice of the Council and no later than the date on which the May 2024 Emergency Declaration expires or is cancelled.

Joint Command

  1. VGFN will continue to operate in a joint Unified Command governance model with YG IncidentManagement Team to enable YG and VGFN staff and resources to work together, and include joint decision making at the VGFN Emergency Operations Centre EOC level as well as with Chief and Council and the Minister. The Unified Command has the power to issue an evacuation alert.

Emergency funds

  1. The VGFN Executive Director has authority to authorize spending up to an additional $300,000 of the $1,000,000 allocated in the VGFN First Appropriations Act 2024-25 for the purpose of responding to the May 2024 Emergency Declaration, including entering into contracts for additional supports. This is in addition to the $200,000 previously authorized on April 17, 2024 by Council resolution.

Staff Compensation

  1. VGFN will pay overtime to staff including salaried staff for the duration of the May 2024 Emergency Declaration, using the VGFN Human Resources Policy section 10.8 for the process and terms for all staff including salaried staff, the Management Committee directive on this subject.

Travel to Old Crow

  1. VGFN Council supports the Unified Command team to issue a travel advisory recommending no travel to Old Crow for non-essential purposes.
    (collectively, the “May 17, 2024 Emergency Order”).
  1. This May 17, 2024 Emergency Order will come into effect immediately upon this Council resolution being published in accordance with section 8 of the Act and will remain in effect for the duration of the May 2024 Emergency Declaration.
  2. This May 17, 2024 Emergency Order may be amended at any time during the duration of the May 2024Emergency Declaration pursuant to section 9 of the Act.
This resolution

being duly approved by a consensus of the Council at a meeting duly convened on May 17, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

32. Canada Greener Affordable Homes Contribution Agreement #27337559
Resolution CO2024-32
April 30, 2024
  1. Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (VGFN) submitted an application to CMHC’s Canada Greener Affordable Homes (CGAH) program on January 31, 2024 to fund the assessment for retrofit of 5 homes as a first step towards receiving funding to support the renovations of those homes (the “Application”);
  2. VGFN received a letter dated April 9, 2024 regarding CMHC CGAH #27337559 confirming that the Application was approved by CMHC on March 26, 2024 (the “Letter”);
  3. The letter had a Contribution Agreement enclosed (CMHC CGAH #27337559) that needs to be approved by Council resolution demonstrating support and signing authority;  
  4. The Chief and Council of VGFN may pass resolutions in support of contribution agreements;
  5. Per section 20 of the VGFN Governance Act, the Chief or Deputy Chief of VGFN are authorized sign contracts or expenditures over $100,000 if accompanied by the signatures of the Executive Director of VGFN and the Finance Director of VGFN;
  6. While Contribution Agreement CMHC CGAH #27337559 does not require VGFN to borrow money, VGFN does have the capacity to borrow money per section 28 of the VGFN Governance Act, by passing an Act according to the procedure set out in the Governance Act; and
  7. Chief and Council have reviewed the application, the letter, and Contribution Agreement;
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. Council supports Contribution Agreement #27337559 and confirms that it can be signed by the members of the VGFN Management Committee.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on April 30, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

31. Canada Greener Affordable Homes Contribution Agreement #27337542
Resolution CO2024-31
April 30, 2024
  1. Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (VGFN) submitted an application to CMHC’s Canada Greener Affordable Homes (CGAH) program on January 31, 2024 to fund the assessment for retrofit of 5 homes as a first step towards receiving funding to support the renovations of those homes (the “Application”);
  2. VGFN received a letter dated April 9, 2024 regarding CMHC CGAH #27337542 confirming that the Application was approved by CMHC on March 26, 2024 (the “Letter”);
  3. The letter had a Contribution Agreement enclosed (CMHC CGAH #2733742) that needs to be approved by Council resolution demonstrating support and signing authority;  
  4. The Chief and Council of VGFN may pass resolutions in support of contribution agreements;
  5. Per section 20 of the VGFN Governance Act, the Chief or Deputy Chief of VGFN are authorized sign contracts or expenditures over $100,000 if accompanied by the signatures of the Executive Director of VGFN and the Finance Director of VGFN;
  6. While Contribution Agreement CMHC CGAH #27337542 does not require VGFN to borrow money, VGFN does have the capacity to borrow money per section 28 of the VGFN Governance Act, by passing an Act according to the procedure set out in the Governance Act; and
  7. Chief and Council have reviewed the application, the letter, and Contribution Agreement;
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. Council supports Contribution Agreement #27337542 and confirms that it can be signed by the members of the VGFN Management Committee.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on April 30, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

30. Status Registry Transfer of Acceptance to the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation
Resolution CO2024-30
April 30, 2024

This Resolution involves an individual’s transfer of status to Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation.

THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on April 30, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (abstain), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

29. Agreement for Old Crow Tank Farm Phase 3 Expansion
Resolution CO2024-29
April 30, 2024
  1. Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“VGFN”) owns and operates the Old Crow Tank Farm;
  2. Upon construction of the Old Crow Tank Farm, it was recognized that additional capacity may need to be added to the Tank Farm in the future to support increased fuel demand in Old Crow (“Phase 3 Expansion Project”) and this expansion was captured in the permitting for the original construction;
  3. Given the current demand for fuel in Old Crow, VGFN would benefit from proceeding with the Phase 3 Expansion Project in order to reduce the number of fuel hauls to Old Crow which will in turn support reducing fuel freight costs and emissions over the life cycle of the Tank Farm;
  4. VGFN has negotiated a contract (the “Old Crow Tank Farm Phase 3 Expansion Contract”) with W.S. Nicholls Western Construction Ltd. (“WSN”) to design, supply, install, tie-in and commission four (4) above ground storage tanks (3 heating oil and 1 gasoline) at the Old Crow Tank Farm pursuant permitting for the Old Crow Tank Farm Phase 3 Expansion Project and other terms and conditions; 
  5. VGFN has conducted a legal review of the Old Crow Tank Farm Phase 3 Expansion Contract and all supporting documents;
  6. VGFN has obtained a financial commitment for the whole amount of the costs associated with the Phase 3 Expansion Project through Gas Tax funds; 
  7. WSN is experienced, knowledgeable and has the appropriate assets to complete the Project; 
  8. WSN has confirmed the timeline for the Phase 3 Expansion Project including that the tanks will be manufactured in time for this season;
  9. The Chief and Council has the authority to award contracts and service agreements
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. W.S. Nicholls Western Construction Ltd. be awarded the Old Crow Tank Farm Phase 3 Expansion Contract. 
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on April 30, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

28. Agreement for Grooming, Operation, Maintenance, Delivery/ Removal of freight and Decommissioning of the Old Crow Snow Road
Resolution CO2024-28
April 30, 2024
  1. The Government of Yukon has granted VGG a Licence of Occupation to occupy certain non-Settlement Lands for the purpose of constructing and using a winter road between Eagle Plains and Old Crow between June 1, 2021 and May 31, 2031;
  2. Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“VGFN”) wishes to operate a snow road during the winters of 2024-2025 and 2025-2026, to support the delivery of equipment and materials required for the construction of a new Warehouse Assembly Building (“Warehouse”) planned for Old Crow; 
  3. VGFN has negotiated a contract (the “Snow Road Contract”) with Arctic Terrain Transport Inc. (“ATTI”) to groom, operate, maintain, deliver and remove freight and decommission a Snow Road pursuant to the Licence of Occupation and other terms and conditions; 
  4. VGFN has issued a Land Use Permit to Arctic Terrain Transport Inc. (“ATTI”) which authorizes the construction and use of a winter road within Vuntut Gwitchin Settlement Lands R-6A and R-11A , between January 15, 2024 and April 1, 2026, subject to the terms and conditions therein;
  5. VGFN has conducted a legal review of the Snow Road Contract and all supporting documents;
  6. VGFN has obtained a financial commitment of;
    • $7.5 million from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation for the construction of a Warehouse Assembly Building (“Warehouse”) that will help fund the cost of the Snow Road Contract;
    • $3 million from Yukon Government to expand the new Warehouse for YG purposes, which brings the total project budget to $10.5 million that can be used to fund the cost of the Snow Road Project for bringing in the required materials and equipment;
  1. VGFN anticipates this funding, paired with contracts with third parties to use the Snow Road, will cover the cost of the Snow Road Contract;
  2. In the event that VGFN does not have the cash from these financial commitments right away, VGFN Chief and Council support interim financing the cost of the Snow Road project for an amount up to a maximum of the Snow Road Contract from the $3,372,732 Vuntut Gwitchin Trust promissory note funds currently held by VGFN;
  3. ATTI is experienced, knowledgeable and has the appropriate assets to complete the Project. 
  4. The Chief and Council has the authority to award contracts and service agreements.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. Arctic Terrain Transport Inc. be awarded the Snow Road Contract for Grooming, Operation, Maintenance, Delivery/ Removal of freight and Decommissioning of the Old Crow Snow Road. 
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on April 30, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

27. Chief and Council Leadership on Traditional Territory
Resolution CO2024-27
April 30, 2024
  1. The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Constitution calls for either the Chief or Deputy Chief to be present on the Traditional Territory at all times; 
  2. From time to time the Chief and Deputy Chief must attend to matters outside the Traditional Territory, such as government business or family matters. 
  3. Chief Pauline Frost and Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr. are each required to travel out of the Traditional Territory for different reasons, but at the same time, from May 9 to May 13, 2024. 
  4. The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Constitution states that in the event that both the Chief and Deputy Chief must be absent, an interim Deputy Chief shall be appointed.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. To ensure leadership presence on the Traditional Territory, Councillor Reti is appointed as interim Deputy Chief of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation for the period of May 9 to May 13, 2024. 
  2. Councillor Reti will be present on Traditional Territory during the absence of Chief Pauline Frost and Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr.
  3. Chief Pauline Frost and Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr. will be available for remote communications to maintain quorum of the Council, to the extent that is practical.  
  4. In the event of any governance questions, Chief Pauline Frost will be the spokesperson.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on April 30, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (abstain), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

26. Disbursement Committee Recommendation to Council
Resolution CO2024-26
April 17, 2024
  1. The Council of Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“Council”) established the Terms of Reference for the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Disbursement Committee (“Committee”) through Council Resolution 02-17-2023-#04 which tasked the Committee with making decisions on the disbursement of government funds, resources, and benefits in accordance with government program criteria;
  2. The Committee considered requests received for education and training funding during a meeting of the Committee on April 16, 2024;
  3. The Committee has provided a recommendation to Council regarding the allocation of funding for education and training;
  4. Council has considered the Committee’s recommendation.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. Council adopts the recommendation of the Disbursement Committee out of their meeting on April 16, 2024 regarding the allocation of funding for education and training. 
  2. Council directs the Policy and the Education Departments to take into consideration the various funding sources students may access in addition to funding through VGFN when updating the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Post Secondary Education Policy. 
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on April 17, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

25. Flood Preparedness
Resolution CO2024-25
April 17, 2024
  1. Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation has monitored snowfall and snowpack on the ground and forecasts a high risk for flooding around the time of break up.
  2. Observations of citizens and residents in Old Crow are supported by the Yukon government Water Resources Branch snowpack reports for 2024 which indicate record levels of snowpack in North Yukon and the watershed around Old Crow.
  3. In line with best practice, VGFN staff are planning for a range of scenarios including no evacuation, partial evacuation within community, or full evacuation out of community and the potential for damage to homes and infrastructure.
  4. The objective in preparing the community is to support citizens to remain in the community, at safe locations, as long as possible, or, in the event that a partial or full evacuation is required, to support citizens and infrastructure to recovery quickly.
  5. VGFN has activated its emergency planning team to initiate preparedness and mitigation actions as per our flood hazard plan. 
  6. The VGFN First Appropriations Act 2024-25 includes $1,000,000 for Emergency purposes under the Chief and Council vote.
  7. Chief and Council have directed that VGFN staff continue emergency management planning for high risk threats including flooding and wildfires. 
  8. The Yukon government Emergency Measures Organization has recognized the flood threat to Old Crow and has assigned a task number and has called for all YG departments with values at risk in Old Crow to refresh themselves with their emergency and business continuity plans.
  9. VGFN staff are communicating with CIRNAC on future claims for reimbursable spending. 
  10. VGFN staff do not recommend Community Emergency Declaration yet, but if the flood threat continues to materialize, anticipate recommending a Community Emergency Declaration, including standing up Community Safety Officers to assist with on the ground work in Old Crow. 
  11. VGFN staff have developed staged activation levels to the flood plan that trigger increasingly complex planning, requests, and responses by VGFN and partner agencies. 
  12. The potential threat of flooding in Old Crow may be a large and widespread event, may put a significant number of people at risk, will require significant coordination among VGFN and partner agencies, and the extent of potential damage is not known. 
  13. VGFN needs to plan for flood response and recovery following the flood. 
  14. VGFN staff will be required to engage in the preparation and response to lesser and greater degrees depending on the magnitude, scope, and stage of the flood event. 
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. VGFN immediately calls on the Yukon government to recognize and assume their role in protecting the community of Old Crow and play a significant leadership and partnership role to work with VGFN on preparedness, response, and recovery for the imminent flood threat to Old Crow. 
  2. The VGFN Emergency Activation levels are adopted. 
  3. The VGFN Emergency Operations Centre is activated and based on the EOC structure used for wildfire response in August 2023, and is authorized to engage with VGFN staff and partner agencies as needed to continue to mount preparedness for a response and recovery. The Executive Director is authorized to identify personnel for the EOC within the defined structure, and to seek resources to provide relief to staff working in the EOC for long periods. 
  4. The evergreen VGFN 2024 Flood Plan Actions is adopted and the emergency management team is directed to implement the 2024 Flood Plan Actions
  5. The VGFN EOC will follow the activation levels as the flood threat unfolds. 
  6. The Executive Director has authority to authorize spending up to $200,000 of the $1,000,000 allocated in the VGFN First Appropriations Act 2024-25 for Emergency Response, including entering into contracts for additional supports. 
  7. VGFN will endeavor to procure materials and services from Yukon government as a first action; VGFN will spend its own money as conditions require and will set up the purchasing process to seek reimbursement from CIRNAC.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on April 17, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

24. Amendments to the Self-Government Financial Transfer Agreement
Resolution CO2024-24
March 26, 2024
  1. Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“VGFN”) entered into the VGFN Self-Government Financial Transfer Agreement with Canada effective April 1, 2019 (“SGFTA”) pursuant to 16.1 of the VGFN Self-Government Agreement;
  2. Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“VGFN”) and Canada extended the term of the SGFTA by one year to a term that now ends March 31, 2025;
  3. VGFN and Canada now wish to amend the SGFTA in accordance with its provisions to:
  • provide a total of $193,534.58 in funding to support early learning and childcare services for the 2023-24 Fiscal Year and $205.343.12 for the 2024-25 Fiscal Year as set out in the “Early Learning and Child Care Amendment” attached to this resolution as Schedule 1;
  • provide a total of $143,858.00 in funding to support of the provision of social and welfare services for the 2023-24 Fiscal Year as set out in the “Income Assistance Amendment” attached to this resolution as Schedule 2; and
  1. Council has reviewed and considered the SGFTA Amendment Agreements.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. Council approves the SGFTA Amendment Agreements and authorizes the Chief to sign the SGFTA Amendment Agreements on behalf of VGFN.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on ​March 26, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (absent), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

23. Amendments to the Self-Government Financial Transfer Agreement
Resolution CO2024-23
March 26, 2024
  1. Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“VGFN”) entered into the VGFN Self-Government Financial Transfer Agreement with Canada effective April 1, 2019 (“SGFTA”) pursuant to 16.1 of the VGFN Self-Government Agreement;
  2. Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“VGFN”) and Canada extended the term of the SGFTA by one year to a term that now ends March 31, 2025;
  3. Pursuant to sections 3.6 and 3.7 of the current Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Self-Government Financial Transfer Agreement (the “SGFTA”), Canada is to pay the Annual Formula Grant for each Fiscal Year to the First Nation by way of scheduled bi-monthly instalments; and
  4. The Parties now wish to provide for Canada to pay and the First Nation to receive a larger portion of the Annual Formula Grant early in the Fiscal Year so that;
  • Canada shall pay to VGFN on or before the 10th working day of April, the full amount identified under the SGFTA for the 2024/2025 fiscal year; and
  • on or before the last working day of January 2025, Canada shall pay amounts as adjusted by all applicable adjustors for the Fiscal Year and including any amounts for the Fiscal Year which were not approved by Canada on or before the 10th working day of April, 2024.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. Council approves the SGFTA Amendment Agreement and authorizes the Chief to sign the SGFTA Amendment Agreement on behalf of VGFN.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on ​March 26, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (absent), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

22. Exception to the Human Resources Policy Manual
Resolution CO2024-22
March 21, 2024
  1. The government of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“VGFN”) strives for strategic and effective management of employees in accordance with established policy;
  2. VGFN’s Personnel Policies Manual dated December 8, 2016 (“Personnel Policies Manual”), included a provision in which an employee who had five or more years of continuous employment would be entitled to be paid severance upon retirement (“the provision”);
  3. On January 14, 2022, VGFN implemented a Human Resources Policies Manual (“Human Resources Policies Manual”), which replaced the Personnel Policies Manual, and removed the provision, effective immediately;
  4. VGFN has received concerns regarding the removal of the provision and the impacts it had on long-term staff working under the Personnel Policies Manual; and
  5. Council wishes to ensure fairness in the administration of our employment relationships.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. An exception to the Human Resources Policies Manual be made to allow employees who retired within two years of the effective date of the policy (January 14, 2022), confirmed through employment records, to be paid the retirement severance in accordance with the Personnel Policies Manual.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on ​March 21, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

21. Continuation of Community Order Regarding Dangerous Offender
Resolution CO2024-21
March 21, 2024
  1. On October 7, 2022, Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“VGFN”) passed resolution 10-07-2022 making a Community Emergency Declaration and Order under the Community Emergency Act (the “Act”) for a period of 90 days regarding a dangerous offender, CHRISTOPHER RUSSELL SCHAFER, born April 17, 1977 (the “dangerous offender”). This declaration expired on January 5, 2023.
  2. On February 17, 2023, Council of the VGFN passed resolution 02-17-2023 - #05 making a further Community Emergency Declaration and Order under the Act for another period of 90 days regarding the dangerous offender. This declaration expired on May 17, 2023.
  3. On May 30, 2023, Council of the VGFN passed resolution 05-30-2023-#29 making a further Community Emergency Declaration and Order under the Act for another period of 90 days regarding the dangerous offender. This declaration expired on August 28, 2023.
  4. On September 14, 2023, Council of the VGFN passed resolution 09-14-2023-#49 making a further Community Emergency Declaration and Order under the Act for another period of 90 days regarding the dangerous offender. This declaration will expire on December 13, 2023.
  5. On November 30, 2023, Council of the VGFN passed resolution 11-30-2023-#65 making a further Community Emergency Declaration and Order under the Act for another period of 90 days regarding the dangerous offender. The declaration expired on February 28, 2024.
  6. Council continues to reasonably believe, in the circumstances, that:
  • the dangerous offender poses a preventable, foreseeable, imminent, or actual danger to life, health and safety on VGFN Settlement Land which constitutes a “Community Emergency” within the meaning of the Act; and
  • certain special temporary measures are necessary to address the preventable, foreseeable, imminent, or actual danger to life, health and safety posed by the dangerous offender.
  1. Council wishes to make a new Community Emergency Declaration and Order under the Act for another period of 90 days regarding the dangerous offender.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:

Community Emergency Declaration

  1. This Community Emergency Declaration is hereby made by Council pursuant to section 5 of the Act in relation to the dangerous offender.
  2. This Community Emergency Declaration shall come into effect immediately upon this Council resolution being published in accordance with the section 5 of the Act and will remain in effect for a period of 90 days, to June 19, 2024, unless terminated earlier or extended pursuant to section 6 of the Act.

Community Emergency Order

  1. This Community Emergency Order is hereby made by Council pursuant to section 7(a) of the Act establishing the following special temporary measures in relation to the Community Emergency Declaration set out above:
  • the dangerous offender is hereby prohibited from entering, accessing, using or otherwise being upon VGFN Settlement Land due to the preventable, foreseeable, imminent, and actual risks posed to life, health and safety on Settlement Land if the dangerous offender is permitted to return to Old Crow upon release from custody.
  • no person shall counsel, aid or abet the dangerous offender in entering, accessing, using or otherwise being upon VGFN Settlement Land contrary to the special temporary measure set out under paragraph 3(a) of this Community Emergency Order.
  1. This Community Emergency Order will come into effect immediately upon this Council resolution being published in accordance with section 8 of the Act and will remain in effect for the duration of the Community Emergency Declaration set out above.
  2. This Community Emergency Order may be amended at any time during the duration of the Community Emergency Declaration pursuant to section 9 of the Act.
  3. Any person who does not comply with this Community Emergency Order commits an offence under the Act and is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term of six months.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on ​March 21, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

20. Management Committee
Resolution CO2024-20
March 21, 2024
  1. The 2006 version of the Constitution of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“VGFN”) established and defined a Management Committee;
  2. The 2019 version of the Constitution of the VGFN removed the definition of the Management Committee;
  3. The Management Committee is still referenced in the Governance Act as a key body necessary for the administration of VGFN;
  4. The Management Committee is referenced in existing government policies;
  5. Management Committee is currently undefined;
  6. Council wishes to define the Management Committee.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. The Management Committee for the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation will consist of:

- Chief Pauline Frost
- Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr. 
- Executive Director Erin Linklater
- Director of Finance Ronda Jordan

This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on ​March 21, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

19. First Appropriation Act 2024-25
Resolution CO2024-19
March 19, 2024
  1. The Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“Council”) approves of the budget estimates submitted by the Director of Finance for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  • The First Appropriation Act 2024-2025 shall come into force and have effect as of 12:01A.M. on the 1st day of April 2024.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on ​March 19, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

18. Agreement for Grooming, Operation, Maintenance, Delivery/ Removal or freight and Decommissioning of the Old Crow Snow Road
Resolution CO2024-18
March 9, 2024
  1. The Government of Yukon has granted VGG a Licence of Occupation to occupy certain non-Settlement Lands for the purpose of constructing and using a winter road between Eagle Plains and Old Crow between June 1, 2021 and May 31, 2031;
  2. Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“VGFN”) wishes to operate a snow road during the month of March 2024, and subject to extension granted by Yukon Government under the Licence of Occupation, April 2024, to support the delivery of equipment and materials required for the construction of a new Warehouse Assembly Building (“Warehouse”) planned for Old Crow;
  3. VGFN has negotiated a contract (the “Snow Road Contract”) with Arctic Terrain Transport Inc. (“ATTI”) to groom, operate, maintain, deliver and remove freight and decommission a Snow Road pursuant to the Licence of Occupation and other terms and conditions;
  4. VGFN has issued a Land Use Permit to Arctic Terrain Transport Inc. (“ATTI”) which authorizes the construction and use of a winter road within Vuntut Gwitchin Settlement Lands R-6A and R-11A , between January 15, 2024 and April 1, 2026, subject to the terms and conditions therein;
  5. VGFN has conducted a legal review of the Snow Road Contract and all supporting documents;
  6. VGFN has obtained a financial commitment of;
  • $7.5 million from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation for the construction of a Warehouse Assembly Building (“Warehouse”) that will help fund the cost of the Snow Road Contract;
  • $3 million from Yukon Government to expand the new Warehouse for YG purposes, which brings the total project budget to $10.5 million that can be used to fund the cost of the Snow Road Project for brining in the required materials and equipment;
  1. VGFN anticipates this funding, paired with contracts with third parties to use the Snow Road, will cover the cost of the Snow Road Contract;
  2. In the event that VGFN does not have the cash from these financial commitments right away, VGFN Chief and Council support interim financing the cost of the Snow Road project for an amount up to a maximum of the Snow Road Contract from the $3,372,732 Vuntut Gwitchin Trust promissory note funds currently held by VGFN;
  3. ATTI is experienced, knowledgeable and has the appropriate assets to complete the Project;
  4. The Chief and Council has the authority to award contracts and service agreements.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. Arctic Terrain Transport Inc. be awarded the Snow Road Contract for Grooming, Operation, Maintenance, Delivery/ Removal or freight and Decommissioning of the Old Crow Snow Road.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on ​March 9, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (absent), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

17. Appointment to the Enrollment Committee
Resolution CO2024-17
March 9, 2024
  1. The Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“Council”) has the authority to appoint members to boards and committees of Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation;
  2. Council Resolution CO2024-05 appointed members and alternates to the Enrollment Committee.
  3. An Elder with significant knowledge of Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation ancestry has expressed interest in serving on the Enrollment Committee; and
  4. Council wishes to appoint an additional member to the Committee.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:

The following individual is appointed to the Enrollment Committee, subject to their consent:

  • Randal Tetlichi
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on March 9, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (absent), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

16. Fuel Price Increases
Resolution CO2024-16
March 9, 2024
  1. The government of Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (VGFN) manages the import and sale of fuel;
  2. VGFN has a set price for fuel for residents and non-residents and has not changed these prices for a number of years;
  3. Fuel costs have increased but this increase has not been reflected in the fuel prices charged by VGFN; and
  4. Council wishes to set new fuel prices in order to help cover costs.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. Fuel prices are increased as per below:
  1. VGFN’s Finance Department will review fuel prices twice annually and return to Council if amendments to fuel prices are recommended in order to cover fuel costs.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on March 9, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (absent), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

15. Disbursement Committee Recommendation to Council
Resolution CO2024-15
March 9, 2024
  1. The Vuntut Gwitchin Government Council (“Council”) established the Terms of Reference for the Vuntut Gwitchin Government Disbursement Committee (“Committee”) through Council Resolution 02-17-2023-#04 which tasked the Committee with making decisions on the disbursement of government funds, resources, and benefits in accordance with government program criteria;
  2. The Committee considered the allocation of housing units during a meeting of the Committee on February 28, 2024;
  3. The Committee has provided a recommendation to Council regarding the allocation of housing units;
  4. Council has considered the Committee’s recommendation.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. Council adopts the recommendation of the Disbursement Committee out of their meeting on February 28, 2024 regarding the allocation of housing units.
  2. That these units are allocated as soon as occupancy permits are received.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on March 9, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (absent), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

14. Disbursement Committee Recommendation to Council
Resolution CO2024-14
March 9, 2024
  1. The Vuntut Gwitchin Government Council (“Council”) established the Terms of Reference for the Vuntut Gwitchin Government Disbursement Committee (“Committee”) through Council Resolution 02-17-2023-#04 which tasked the Committee with making decisions on the disbursement of government funds, resources, and benefits in accordance with government program criteria;
  2. The Committee considered requests received for education and training funding during a meeting of the Committee on February 28, 2024;
  3. The Committee has provided a recommendation to Council regarding the allocation of funding for education and training;
  4. Council has considered the Committee’s recommendation.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. Council adopts the recommendation of the Disbursement Committee out of their meeting on February 28, 2024 regarding the allocation of funding for education and training.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on March 9, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (absent), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

13. Chief and Council Leadership on Traditional Territory
Resolution CO2024-13
March 9, 2024
  1. The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Constitution calls for either the Chief or Deputy Chief to be present on the Traditional Territory at all times;
  2. From time to time the Chief and Deputy Chief must attend to matters outside the Traditional Territory, such as government business or family matters;
  3. Chief Pauline Frost and Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr. are each required to travel out of the Traditional Territory from March 14 to March 19, 2024;
  4. The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Constitution states that in the event that both the Chief and Deputy Chief must be absent, an interim Deputy Chief shall be appointed.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. To ensure leadership presence on the Traditional Territory, Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti is appointed as interim Deputy Chief of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation for the period of March 14 to March 19, 2024.
  2. Councillor Reti will be present on Traditional Territory during the absence of Chief Pauline Frost and Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr.
  3. Chief Pauline Frost and Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr. will be available for remote communications to maintain quorum of the Council, to the extent that is practical.
  4. In the event of any governance questions, Chief Pauline Frost will be the spokesperson.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on ​March 9, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (absent), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

12. Council Resolutions
Resolution CO2024-12
March 9, 2024
  1. The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (VGFN) Constitution establishes a Council as a branch of the government of VGFN;
  2. Council has the duties and powers prescribed to it under the Constitution to, among others, set clear policies and guidelines and ensure good management and reporting in all aspects of the government within the jurisdiction of the Council;
  3. Decisions of Council are made through Council Resolution;
  4. VGFN would benefit from a clearer, more user-friendly, template for Council Resolutions;
  5. VGFN would benefit from timelier signatures on Council Resolutions;
  6. Council has reviewed the proposed template for Council Resolutions.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. The new template for Council Resolutions is used for Council Resolutions here and going forward.
  2. Resolutions of Council approved since January 1, 2024, will be updated to the new format for Council Resolutions.
  3. Members of Council may sign Council Resolutions in hard copy or electronically.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on ​March 9, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (absent), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

11. Appointment of Executive Director
Resolution CO2024-11
February 21, 2024
  1. Section 6 (1) of the Vuntut Gwitchin Governance Act, states “On the recommendation of the Chief, the Council shall, by resolution, appoint a person to be the Executive Director”;
  2. Section 6(2) states “The Executive Director is the senior administrative officer of the government and reports to the Chief”; and
  3. The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Chief and Council wish to appoint an Executive Director.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. Erin Linklater is appointed as Executive Director for Vuntut Gwitchin Government.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on February 21, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (absent), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

10. Organization of Vuntut Gwitchin Government
Resolution CO2024-10
February 21, 2024
  1. The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (VGFN) Constitution establishes a Chief and Council;
  2. Per Part 2 of the Governance Act, Council appoints an Executive Director as the senior administrative officer of the government;
  3. The Executive Director shall direct all the affairs of the government, other than the financial affairs assigned to the Director of Finance;
  4. The organization of Vuntut Gwitchin Government is an administrative responsibility of the Executive Director; and
  5. The Executive Director has provided a proposed revised Organization Chart of Vuntut Gwitchin Government to Council for their consideration in relation to budgetary requirements.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. Council supports the revised Organization Chart as presented by the Executive Director for budgetary purposes.
  2. The Executive Director will work to implement changes associated with the revised Organization Chart in collaboration with the Department Directors and Managers, as appropriate, to ensure it is done in a good way.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on February 21, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

9. Amendments to the Self Government Financial Transfer Agreement
Resolution CO2024-09
February 21, 2024
  1. Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“VGFN”) entered into the VGFN Self-Government Financial Transfer Agreement with Canada effective April 1, 2019 (“SGFTA”) pursuant to 16.1 of the VGFN Self-Government Agreement;
  2. Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“VGFN”) and Canada extended the term of the SGFTA by one year to a term that now ends March 31, 2025; and
  3. The Job Evaluation Plan informed new salary bands in the 2023-24 Salary Table; and
  4. VGFN and Canada now wish to amend the SGFTA in accordance with its provisions to:
  • provide a total of $44,573 in enhanced funding to support post-secondary education programming for the 2023-24 Fiscal Year as set out in the “Post-Secondary Education Program Amendment” attached to this resolution as Schedule 1;
  • provide a total of $168,943 in funding to support adult education programming for the 2023-24 Fiscal Year and $168,943 for the 2024-25 Fiscal Year as set out in the “Adult Education Program Amendment” attached to this resolution as Schedule 2;
  • provide a total of $102,938 in enhanced funding to support family violence prevention programming for the 2023-24 Fiscal Year as set out in the “Family Violence Amendment” attached to this resolution as Schedule 3; and
  • provide a total of $87,870 in enhanced funding to support capital infrastructure priorities for the 2023-24 Fiscal Year and $87,870 for the 2024-25 Fiscal Year as set out in the “Infrastructure NO. 4” attached to this resolution as Schedule 4; and
  • provide a total of $620,164 in enhanced funding to support Indigenous language programming for the 2023-24 fiscal year as set out in the “Indigenous Languages (“ILC”)  NO.3 attached to this resolution as Schedule 5; (collectively, the “SGFTA Amendment Agreements”); and
  1. Council has reviewed and considered the SGFTA Amendment Agreements.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. Council approves the SGFTA Amendment Agreements and authorizes the Chief to sign the SGFTA Amendment Agreements on behalf of VGFN.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on February 21, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

8. Yukon First Nation Energy Working Group
Resolution CO2024-08
February 6, 2024
  1. Continuing work towards the formation of a First Nations Energy Working Group (YFNEWG) was endorsed by Leadership at the Council of Yukon First Nation (CYFN) First Nation Energy Summit, which took place in December 2023;
  2. The mandate of the YFNEWG would be to produce recommended next steps surrounding key priority areas identified during the Energy Summit;
  3. VGG representatives at the Summit and other meetings have emphasized that the interests of Old Crow as an off-grid community with limited access must be taken into account by the working group for it to be effective for VGFN;
  4. The draft terms of reference for the YFNEWG are generally acceptable but should make specific reference to First Nations with off-grid remote communities; and
  5. The YFNEWG may provide increased access to opportunities for VGFN, but experience with the working group is needed to determine if there is a long-term benefit to VGFN.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. VGG endorses proceeding with the formation of the Yukon First Nation Energy Working Group and nominates the VGG Energy Advisor to participate on behalf of VGG.
  2. VGG ask that the terms of reference for the working group be revised to specifically reflect the interests of off-grid and remote communities.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on February 6, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

7. Endorsement of Revised Vuntut National Park Management Plan
Resolution CO2024-07
February 6, 2024
  1. Parks Canada has prepared a revised management plan for Vuntut National Park based on collaborative review by Canada and Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. Council endorses the revised plan and authorizes Chief to sign off on it.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on February 6, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

6. Leave from Council
Resolution CO2024-06
February 6, 2024
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. Authorizes Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik’s absence from VGFN Council for a period of up to 90 days.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on February 6, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (abstain)

5. Appointments to the Enrollment Committee
Resolution CO2024-05
January 25, 2024
  1. The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (VGFN) considers the control of its Citizenship to be its fundamental right and responsibility;
  2. The VGFN Constitution establishes procedures for citizenship for VGFN;
  3. Per Article III Citizenship of the Constitution, citizenship of VGFN shall be determined by the Citizenship Code of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation through the authority of the Review Council;
  4. Article XII Review Council states that the Review Council means the body responsible for serving as the Citizenship/ Enrollment Committee;
  5. VGFN does not currently have a Review Council nor legislation that sets out the scope and authority of the Review Council;
  6. Article IX Council Duties and Powers of the Constitution states that the duties and powers of the Council also shall include exercising such powers and doing such things as may be necessary to fulfill the objects of this Constitution;
  7. In absence of the Review Council, Council is choosing to strike an Enrollment Committee to support the Enrollment Officer in the review current enrollment list and to consider future enrollment applications; and
  8. Council has the authority to appoint members to boards, committees and Councils of VGFN.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. The following individuals or positions are appointed to the Enrollment Committee, subject to their consent:

- Enrollment Officer (Chair)
- Sandra Charlie
- Brenda Frost
- Dorothy Thomas
- Katherine Peter
- Teresa Frost
- William Linklater (as alternate)
- Roger Kyikavichik (as alternate)
- Roger Kyikavichik.

This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on January 25, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

4. Appointments to the Hiring Committee
Resolution CO2024-04
January 25, 2024
  1. The Vuntut Gwitchin Government (“VGG”) strives for strategic and effective management of employees starting with a fair and inclusive hiring process.
  2. The VGG Human Resources Department is responsible for leading the hiring process;
  3. Ensuring that a broad range of perspectives are included when evaluating potential candidates would contribute to fair and inclusive decisions;
  4. Council wishes to strike a Hiring Committee to support the VGG Human Resources Department hiring process; and
  5. Council has the authority to appoint members to boards, committees and Councils of VGFN.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. The following individuals or positions are appointed to the Hiring Committee, subject to their consent:

- Director or Manager of Human Resources (Chair)
- Jennifer Kyikavichik
- Sandra Charlie
- Brenda Frost
- William Linklater
- Roger Kyikavichik

  1. The Hiring Committee will undergo Human Resources recruitment training to support them in their role.
  2. When proceeding through the hiring process, at least one citizen from the Hiring Committee will participate in the process alongside the Director or Manager of Human Resources and the applicable Departmental representative.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on January 25, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

3. Appointments to the Health and Wellness Committee
Resolution CO2024-03
January 25, 2024
  1. Under the direction of Chief and Council, the Vuntut Gwitchin Government (“VGG”) is prioritizing the health and well-being of our citizens;
  2. The VGG Health and Social Services Department is currently developing a Community Wellness Strategy with goals that will focus on enhancing the well-being of our people;
  3. Council wishes to strike a Health and Wellness Committee, as an advisory body to Council, to support the VGG Health and Social Services Department in supporting the health and well-being of our citizens including through the implementation of the Community Wellness Strategy; and
  4. Council has the authority to appoint members to boards, committees and Councils of VGFN
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. The following individuals or positions are appointed to the Health and Wellness Committee, subject to their consent:

- Director of Health and Social Services (Chair)
- Brianna Lord
- Glenna Tetlichi
- Jennifer Kyikavichik
- Neta Arnold
- Roger Kyikavichik
- Youth Citizen (to be identified)
- Sandra Charlie (as alternate)
- Sherri Lynn Frost (as alternate)
- Teresa Frost (as alternate)
- William Linklater (as alternate)

This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on January 25, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater (abstain), Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik (absent)

2. Revised Housing Policy
Resolution CO2024-02
January 4, 2024
  1. The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (VGFN) Constitution establishes the Vuntut Gwitchin Government (VGG) and a Council;
  2. Council has the duties and powers prescribed to it under the Constitution to, among others, set clear policies and guidelines and ensure good management and reporting in all aspects of the Vuntut Gwitchin Government within the jurisdiction of the Council;
  3. VGG owns a number of housing units in Old Crow that make up the rental housing inventory of the VGG housing program which is operated in accordance with the VGG 2006 Housing Policy (“Housing Policy”); and
  4. Council wishes to update the 2006 Housing Policy; and
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Housing Policy–2024 is approved and effective immediately.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on January 4, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

1. Approval of Job Evaluation Plan
Resolution CO2024-01
January 4, 2024
  1. The Vuntut Gwitchin Government (“VGG”) underwent a re-organization and re-structuring exercise under the previous Chief and Council which included using the VGG Job Evaluation Plan (“Job Evaluation Plan”) to assess jobs so that VGG is compensating employees fairly and managing the government’s fiscal resources responsibly;
  2. The Vuntut Gwitchin Government has completed a review of its internal structure in accordance with Council Resolution 01-20-2023-#02;
  3. The Job Evaluation Plan informed new salary bands in the 2023-24 Salary Table; and
  4. The Job Evaluation Plan was never formally approved.
THEREFORE, the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
  1. The VGG Job Evaluation Plan is hereby approved.
This resolution

being duly approved by a quorum of the Council at a meeting duly convened on January 4, 2024 in Old Crow, Yukon.

Chief Pauline Frost, Deputy Chief Harold Frost Jr., Councillor Debra-Leigh Reti, Councillor Crystal Linklater, Councillor Vernon Kyikavichik

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