Our First Nation
The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (VGFN) is the government of the Van Tat Gwich’in people. Our government’s authority and operations extend over all VGFN Settlement Lands, occupants of Settlement Lands, and to the collective rights and interests of Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Citizens.
The Arctic community of Old Crow is the seat of our government. Located on the Porcupine River in northern Yukon, Old Crow is a small fly-in community of approximately 300 residents, most of whom are Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Citizens. Our Citizens also live in other Yukon communities, the Northwest Territories, BC, Alberta, and Alaska.
The Van Tat Gwich’in are part of the larger Gwich’in Nation, which includes fifteen communities in the Northwest Territories, Yukon and Alaska. We have close cultural and family ties with our Gwich’in relatives living in these communities.
Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of our Agreements
Last year, we celebrated the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Final and Self-Government Agreements.
Our agreements recognize the authority of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation to manage and protect our Settlement Lands for present and future generations of Van Tat Gwich’in people. Our agreements also provide the framework for our Constitution, which was ratified by our General Assembly in 2006 and last amended in 2019.
Our Constitution
Our Constitution guarantees the rights and freedoms of VGFN Citizens. It affirms that every VGFN Citizen has the right to enter, remain in, and leave Vuntut Gwitchin Lands in accordance with Vuntut Gwitchin Law, and that Citizens have the right to make political choices, to participate in political activities, and to express their views on any public issue.
The VGFN Constitution also states that Citizens are also entitled to other freedoms, including but not limited to freedom of conscience and religion; freedom of thought, belief or opinion; freedom of expression; freedom of peaceful assembly; and freedom of association.